Take look at our


On - Site Calibration

Some of the equipment sometimes can not be calibrated in the laboratory, therefore onsite calibration tool is the best choice for your instrument. Our team can do onsite calibration according to customer requirements without disrupting the performance of your company's work time. Tools you can be better controlled with on-site calibration workmanship, because some tools require special treatment so that the process we are working on-site, of course, to see consideration of efficiency and effectiveness to your performance.

In - Lab Calibration

MGS provides a complete calibration services and carried out in laboratories that meet the standards KAN and using a standard / calibrator modern and appropriate international standardization. We had room space devoted to calibrate your instrument so that the accuracy and value of which is derived to be very accurate.

Get our best offer of calibration here
or call us at (021) 7587 4753 Tangerang , (0264) 830 2200 Purwakarta